12 Reasons You May fail JAMB 2024/2025 UTME | Read And Avoid Them

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Most times we wonder why people we know as geniuses failed JAMB many times despite their preparedness. Many students are sound and intelligent but have to take JAMB more than two times before they can get a good score to secure admission. The untold reasons candidates fail in exams do not only come from not being academically sound but also neglecting some responsibilities that will place them on the right track.

12 Reasons for JAMB Failure 2024/2025 UTME

Based on information obtained from various candidates, we are able to get these facts. Below are untold reasons students failed JAMB as well as other exams.

1. Choosing the wrong Subject Combination For Your Course

In fact, this is an awful mistake you can ever make as a JAMB 2024 UTME candidate. If you don’t know the right subject combination for your course, it’s as good as not writing the exam itself. Therefore, I will advise you to enquire from the school of your choice’s website to make the right choice. Moreover, you can source information from a reliable student community (Aspayastudenthub Facebook group) for JAMB subject combinations.

2. Disregarding Your JAMB Syllabus

According to research, 98% of students who follow their JAMB syllabus score 250 and above in JAMB exams. Every year, JAMB releases a new syllabus and gives it to their candidates at the point of registration. However, a lot of students still disregard the use of the syllabus when preparing for the exam. It will be quite awful to get to the hall and see different questions completely.

Therefore, what should you do?
You must ensure you follow your JAMB syllabus to the letter.
Consume each topic on the syllabus and make sure you answer questions on every topic elaborately.
This will make you avoid studying topics you won’t find on the JAMB syllabus.

3. Lack of speed and accuracy

Not being fast enough to answer a question is another issue some candidates have. For every exam, there is a time limit for you to answer all the questions you are to answer. Speed is particularly needed when you are writing an exam like the jamb CBT. Therefore, I will advise candidates to ensure they get to partake in a legit online jamb mock exam. This will help you familiarize yourself with jamb past questions, understand how jamb questions are asked and also help you improve your speed with time.

Furthermore, you can also get jamb CBT practice software to guide you through. When practising, always time yourself by setting a time limit to answer as many questions as you can. Once you are done, try again but this time ensure you answer more questions than you did the last time within the same time frame.

4. Lack/inadequate preparation.

There is a common saying; If you fail to prepare for an exam, then it means that you are preparing to fail the exam. Know that Many jamb candidates failed not because they are not academically sound or intelligent but because they failed to prepare for the exam. However, to prepare well for the exam as JAMB, you need to do all you can to eliminate any form of distractions. Stay off social media if you know it won’t help you this period. Unless you have an online study group, or there is a need for that.

I will advise you to discover what works for you and stick to it; is it studying alone? Studying in a group? going to tutorials? etc. Just took two Henry study part-time that works for you and make the most of it

5. When you neglect instructions

The moment you fail to read instructions before starting an exam, you are not far from failure already. Know that Instructions are provided to guide you on what to do and what not to do. Failure to read the instructions and follow them is the reason many candidates failed to see their results after the Jamb exam. Therefore, always ensures you read every instruction given to you for answering the questions.

6. Late JAMB registration

A popular adage says Tick says the clock tick tick. Time waits for no man is another adage. The fact that Jamb offers enough time for its registration is not a reason for candidates to register late for the exams. Here is how late registration affects candidates: Candidates are given an unconducive unequipped centre. It’s so sad that Some are slated for rural areas for the exam and guess what! This can cause candidates to fail because of poor amenities in the area.

7. Failure to arrive at the exam venue early.

Come to think of it! Why should you think of going late to the exam venue? It is so obvious that many candidates are seen doing some printouts on the exam day and this warrants their lateness to exams. If your exam centre is in a long-distance or another state, try to be there at least a day before and get to know your centre.

8. Computer illiteracy.

Yes, we’re in a computer age where computers and other computer-related devices are easily accessed, nonetheless, young school leavers are still computer illiterates. Since 2014, jamb has progressed from the stage of PPT to the stage of CBT which made way for the utilisation of computers for the exams.

A feeling that many countries still cannot operate this computer during exams and thereby failure comes in. Candidates should undergo computer-based training for the exams.

9. Incomplete materials

Yes, this has posed a problem to many candidates. The exam day is like an injury period in which a simple mistake can hurt for Life. Before departing for the exam Hall, check out your materials such as; a jamb printout, passport etc. Read the necessary instructions and adhere to them. Note that where you are to bring a colour print-out please do not bring a black and white print-out.

10. Unconducive/unequipped exam centre

The image of the film that poses a threat to Jamb in Nigeria is its poor and equipped exam environment. This has posed a psychological effect on many students. The progression from PPT (paper-and-pencil test) to CBT (computer-based test) has not changed JAMB’s poor examination environment.

11. MisInformation

Many students are misinformed about jamb exams. They are given fake information which has no relationship to the aforesaid exams. It is a known fact that there are many misconceptions enclosing the exam and the exams body. All these should be taken with a grain of salt as many of them are rumours and are not fact.

12. Examination centre.

You may be upset at this, but the truth is that the centre where you take your exam matters. There have been many instances of JAMB cancelling the result of a whole centre, or reducing the scores of the candidates that took their exam in a centre. This happens Due to malpractice and other irregularities. Unfortunately, even many candidates who may not have engaged in any form of malpractice are always affected.

In such cases, there is little or nothing the candidates can do. However, I will advise candidates to report any malpractice or irregularity they notice in their centre to an invigilator. With this, only the candidates or officials that are involved will be punished. However, IF this is not reported and JAMB gets to know about it, JAMB will assume that everyone in the centre is guilty. Though JAMB said it normally carries out investigations before taking action in such cases we do not know how thorough an investigation usually is.

We hope this article helped you learn about ways to avoid failure in your JAMB 2024 UTME. You may also want to check out these self-destructive habits students should avoid – from one of our prolific writers.


What are some common reasons why candidates fail the JAMB UTME exam in 2024/2025?

Several factors contribute to JAMB UTME failure, including inadequate preparation, lack of understanding of the exam format, poor time management, and inadequate subject knowledge.

How does inadequate preparation lead to JAMB UTME failure in 2024/2025?

Inadequate preparation, such as not studying past questions, syllabus, or relevant textbooks, can result in poor performance. Candidates who underestimate the exam’s difficulty level or fail to practice sufficiently are at higher risk of failure.

Can poor time management affect JAMB UTME performance in 2024/2025?

Yes, poor time management during the exam can significantly impact performance. Candidates who spend too much time on difficult questions may not complete the exam or rush through the remaining questions, leading to errors and lower scores.

How does lack of understanding of the JAMB UTME exam format contribute to failure in 2024/2025?

Lack of understanding of the JAMB UTME exam format, including question types, marking scheme, and exam duration, can hinder candidates’ ability to prepare effectively. It may lead to incorrect strategies, such as focusing on the wrong topics or spending too much time on one section.

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