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How to Study in Canada Without IELTS | Latest Guide to Study in Canada

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If you are looking to get into Canada’s top-ranked universities, you’re probably aware that one of the requirements is IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Canada uses IELTS to measure international students’ English proficiency levels and determine their academic performance in comparison to Canadian students. While IELTS is an excellent test, it isn’t required by all schools, so it doesn’t make sense to take it if you don’t have to. Here are some reasons why you should consider applying to Canada without IELTS.

How to Study Abroad if You Don’t Have an IELTS/TOEFL?

While you may think studying abroad is out of reach if you don’t have an IELTS or TOEFL score, that’s not true. A lot of universities offer bridging programs for students who want to study in Canada without getting an international student test score. This means you can apply without a paper-based test and then take a bridging course before starting your program. The best part? Bridging courses are cheaper than your degree program!

There are a few different ways you can study abroad without an IELTS or TOEFL score. One of them is signing up for one of these bridging courses, which will prepare you to get into your degree program. Once you’re enrolled in a course, many Canadian universities offer Intensive English programs so that you can quickly build your English skills. You’ll be taking intensive classes five days a week and studying with other international students who want to study in Canada.

This way, you won’t be behind when it comes time to start your degree! Many schools also have non-credit ESL (English as a Second Language) courses that you can take while you’re waiting to enroll in your degree program. These may even count towards some credit hours once you begin studying at your university of choice. If neither of those options sounds like they fit your needs, there are also options for Canadians to study overseas—in places like England or Ireland—without getting an IELTS/TOEFL score.

What are the Advantages of Studying Abroad?

Perhaps you are reading about studying abroad for the first time. You may be thinking, So what’s so special about studying in a foreign country? What makes it different from taking classes at my school? Well, there are plenty of reasons why many students decide to study abroad instead of staying close to home. The world is a big place and if you have ever taken an international trip, you know that all countries are not equal. In fact, some countries offer better educational experiences than others.

One of the main advantages is learning from native English speakers. In some countries, it is easier to find high-quality English teachers who are born and raised in an English-speaking country. This means that you will learn more about American or British culture and its customs than if you studied abroad in another country. You may also learn about your own country through a new lens.

Additionally, studying abroad can help you gain a new perspective on your own life. Many students decide to study abroad just after graduating high school or college, so they have never lived away from home before. This often allows them to step back and see their lives with fresh eyes. It helps them think about what is important, what isn’t, and how they want their future lives to look.


Is it possible to study in Canada without taking the IELTS exam?

Yes, it is possible to study in Canada without taking the IELTS exam. Many Canadian universities and colleges offer alternative pathways for demonstrating English proficiency. These alternatives can include other standardized tests like TOEFL or Duolingo English Test, previous education in English, or completion of an English language program provided by the university.

What are some alternatives to IELTS for demonstrating English proficiency to Canadian universities?

Canadian universities accept various alternatives to IELTS for proving English proficiency. Some common alternatives include:

  1. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  2. Duolingo English Test
  3. PTE (Pearson Test of English)
  4. Cambridge English Exams (CAE or CPE)
  5. Previous education in an English-speaking country or institution
  6. Completion of an English language preparatory program offered by the university

Which Canadian universities do not require IELTS for admission?

Several Canadian universities offer admission without requiring IELTS, provided students meet other criteria for English proficiency. These universities include:

  1. University of Saskatchewan – Accepts TOEFL, Duolingo English Test, and other alternatives.
  2. Brock University – Offers English language programs and accepts other standardized tests.
  3. Concordia University – Accepts various English proficiency tests and offers conditional admission through their English language programs.
  4. Memorial University of Newfoundland – Accepts TOEFL, CAEL, and other equivalents.
  5. University of Regina – Provides alternatives such as Duolingo English Test and others.

How can I improve my chances of getting accepted to a Canadian university without IELTS?

To improve your chances of acceptance at a Canadian university without IELTS, consider the following strategies:

  1. Research and apply to universities that offer IELTS alternatives: Ensure the institutions you’re interested in accept other English proficiency tests or have programs for non-native speakers.
  2. Take alternative English proficiency tests: Prepare and score well on tests like TOEFL, Duolingo English Test, or PTE.
  3. Enroll in an English language preparatory program: Many universities offer programs to help students meet their language requirements.
  4. Provide proof of previous education in English: If you have studied in an English-medium institution or have significant coursework in English, this can often be used as proof of proficiency.
  5. Prepare a strong application: Highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work experience to strengthen your application overall.


Studying abroad can be a transformative experience for many students, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re interested in studying at a Canadian school, there are still ways to do so—and reap all of those educational benefits—without an IELTS scholarship. Here are our recommendations on how to study in Canada without going through an agent

We do a fair amount of work with students, who are eager to study at Canadian schools but need advice on how they can do so without using an agent. While there is nothing wrong with using an education agent, it’s not necessary if you know what steps you need to take yourself. Follow our tips below and study abroad without having to use a third party.

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