NABTEB Timetable 2024 Is Out | NABTEB May/June Exam Timetable PDF

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Are you studying for the 2024 National Business Certificate (NBC) and National Technical Certificate (NTC) Examinations administered by the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB)? If that’s the case, look at the NABTEB timetable for the May/June exams below.

The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) has announced the timetable for the National Business Certificate (NBC) and National Technical Certificate (NTC) examinations

According to the National Business and Technical Examinations Board – NABTEB the NBC/NTC Examination has been scheduled to commence Monday 26th June, 2024 to Tuesday 25th July, 2024.

NABTEB Timetable May/June 2024/2025

Monday, 26th June 2024
Financial Accounting (Objective & Essay)
12:00noon – 3:30pm
Christian Religious Studies (Objective & Essay)
3:30pm – 6:00pm
Islamic Studies (Objective & Essay)
3:30pm – 6:00pm

Tuesday, 27th June 2024
English Language (Obj/Test of Orals)
9:00am – 10:40am
English Language (Essay Writing Comprehension & Summary)
10:40am – 1:10pm
Civic Education (Objective & Essay)
2:00pm – 4:30pm

Wednesday, 28th June 2024
Mathematics (Objective)
9:00am – 10:30am
Mathematics (Essay)
10:30am – 1:00pm
ICT ESSAY (Objective & Essay)
2:00pm – 4:40pm

Saturday, 1st July 2024
Government (Objective & Essay)
9:00am – 12:00noon
Geography (Objective & Essay)
12:00noon – 3:00pm
Literature-in-English (Objective & Prose)
3:30pm – 5:30pm

Monday, 3rd July 2024
Computer Craft Studies (Objective & Essay)
12:00noon – 2:40pm

Tuesday, 4th July 2024
Physics (Objective & Essay)
9:00am – 11:45am
Office Practice (Objective & Essay)
12:00noon – 3:20pm
Salesmanship (Objective & Essay)
12:00noon – 3:20pm
Animal Science (Objective & Essay)
3:30pm – 6:00pm

Wednesday, 5th July 2024
Biology (Objective & Essay)
9:00am – 11:20am
Commerce (Objective & Essay)
11:20am – 2:40pm
Literature-in-English (Drama & Poetry)
3:40pm – 5:40pm

Thursday, 6th July 2024
Chemistry (Objective & Essay)
9:00am – 11:40am

Friday, 7th July 2024

Agricultural Science (Objective & Essay)
9:00am – 11:30am

Saturday, 8th July 2024
Further Mathematics (Objective)
9:00am – 10:45am
Further Mathematics(Essay)
10:45am – 1:15pm
Economics (Objective & Essay)
1:20pm – 4:40pm

Monday, 10th July 2024
Animal Science (Practical)
12:00noon – 2:00pm

Wednesday, 12th July 2024

Agricultural Science(Practical Alternative B)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Computer Craft Studies (Practical)
3:00pm – 6:00pm

Thursday, 13th July 2024
Physics (Practical Alternative B)
1:00pm – 3:45pm

Friday, 14th July 2024
Biology (Practical)
3:00pm – 5:00pm

Saturday, 15th July 2024
Chemistry (Practical)
9:00am – 11:00am

Monday, 17th July 2024
Geography (Pract. & Phy. Geo.)
12:00noon – 2:00pm

Tuesday, 18th July 2024
Physics (Practical)
1:00pm – 3:45pm
Animal Science (Practical Alternative B)
3:45pm – 5:45pm

Wednesday, 19th July 2024
Computer Craft Studies (Practical Alternative B)
1:00pm – 4:00pm

Friday, 21st July 2024
3:00pm – 6:00pm

Saturday, 22nd July 2024
Agricultural Science (Practical)
9:00am – 11:00am

Monday, 24th July 2024

Chemistry (Practical Alternative B)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
ICT PRACTICAL (Practical Alternative B)
3:00pm – 6:00pm

Tuesday, 25th July 2024
Biology (Practical Alternative B)
4:00pm – 6:00pm

Materials Allowed For NABTEB Examination

  1. All candidates are required to supply their own pen, pencil, eraser, ink, ruler, and mathematical set.
  2. Drawing Materials: Candidates are required to provide their own drawing board, Tee-square, metric scale ruler, and other drawing instruments. They are also allowed to use slide rules during the examination if the need arises.
  3. The use of simple, non-programmable, noiseless, and cordless calculators is allowed.
  4. Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination Hall with GSM Hand-set and other electronic gadgets.

NABTEB Examination Rules

  1. Examination Malpractice Act No. 33 of 1999: The attention of the candidate is hereby drawn to the provisions of Examination Malpractice Act No. 33 of 1999 which provide stiff penalties for examination malpractice. Candidates are therefore warned to desist from actions that would breach the provisions of the Act.
  2. Candidates are not allowed to bring textbooks, scripts, or plain sheets of paper into the hall, except materials that they have been specifically told to bring for the examination.
  3. Candidates must not communicate with each other during the examinations. Candidates wishing to ask questions should attract the attention of the supervisor/invigilator by raising their hands.
  4. The Board does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, bags, or other property which candidates bring to the examination center.
  5. A candidate who disobeys any of these instructions may be asked to discontinue his or her work, by the supervisor who is under instruction to report such disobedience to the Board.
  6. Where examination officials or school authorities are involved in Examination malpractice or irregularities, candidates may report directly to the Board with proof.


When was the NABTEB Timetable for May/June 2024 exams released?

The NABTEB Timetable for May/June 2024 exams is on the official website.

Where can I access the NABTEB Timetable for 2024 exams?

The NABTEB Timetable for May/June 2024 exams can be accessed on the official NABTEB website or through reputable educational platforms. It is also available in PDF format for easy download and viewing.

Are there any changes in the NABTEB Timetable for 2024 compared to previous years?

NABTEB regularly updates its timetable to ensure smooth conduct of exams and to accommodate any changes in the curriculum or examination schedule. It is advisable to carefully review the 2024 timetable for any alterations or adjustments.

Can I request a physical copy of the NABTEB Timetable for 2024 from my school or examination center?

Many schools and examination centers typically receive physical copies of the NABTEB Timetable for distribution to students. However, it’s always best to confirm with your school or examination center regarding the availability of physical copies and the procedure for obtaining one. Alternatively, you can download and print the timetable in PDF format from the official NABTEB website or other reliable sources.

Keep checking this page; we will keep updating it daily.

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