List of Nursing School in Delta State

List of Nursing School in Delta State

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Before you enroll in a nursing school, there are several important factors that prospective nursing students should consider. From the location of the school to the programs offered and the possible school fees, there are key elements that can impact your decision when choosing the right nursing school for you in Delta State.

List of Nursing School in Delta State
List of Nursing School in Delta State

Factors to Consider Before Enrolling in a Nursing School

  • Accreditation: Accreditation is crucial when choosing a nursing school, as it ensures that the school meets the necessary educational standards. Prospective nursing students should look for schools that are accredited by the relevant regulatory bodies in Delta State.
  • Faculty Qualifications: The expertise and qualifications of the faculty members at a nursing school can greatly impact the quality of education you receive. Look into the credentials and experience of the faculty members to ensure you will be learning from knowledgeable professionals.
  • Clinical Opportunities: Hands-on clinical experience is a vital part of nursing education. Consider the clinical opportunities available at each nursing school, including the types of facilities students are placed in and the variety of patient populations they will work with.
  • Graduation Rates: Graduation rates can be a good indicator of a nursing school’s success in preparing students for the workforce. Look into the school’s graduation rates to get an idea of how successful students are in completing their programs.
  • Cost and Financial Aid: Nursing school can be expensive, so it’s important to consider the cost of tuition and other fees when choosing a school. Additionally, look into the availability of financial aid, scholarships, and other forms of assistance to help offset the cost of your education.

List of Nursing Schools in Delta State

Here is a list of nursing schools in Delta State, along with their locations, programs offered, and possible school fees:

| Nursing School         | Location          | Programs Offered                          | Possible School Fees |



  1. | Delta State College of Health Technology | Oghara | Nursing Assistant, Midwifery, Community Health | ₦200,000 – ₦400,000  |


  1. | School of Nursing, Warri | Warri | Basic Nursing | ₦300,000 – ₦500,000 |


  1. | School of Nursing, Eku | Eku | Basic Nursing | ₦250,000 – ₦450,000 |


  1. | School of Nursing, Agbor | Agbor | Basic Nursing | ₦280,000 – ₦480,000 |


  1. | School of Nursing, Sapele | Sapele | Basic Nursing | ₦270,000 – ₦470,000 |

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to complete a nursing program in Delta State?

Most nursing programs in Delta State take between three to four years to complete, depending on the level of the program and the specific school.

2. Are there any part-time nursing programs available in Delta State?

Some nursing schools in Delta State offer part-time programs for students who may not be able to attend full-time due to other commitments. Be sure to inquire with individual schools for availability.

3. What are the job prospects for nursing graduates in Delta State?

Nursing graduates in Delta State have a wide range of job opportunities available to them, including roles in hospitals, clinics, community health centers, and private practices. The demand for qualified nurses in Delta State is high, making it a promising career choice.


When considering enrolling in a nursing school in Delta State, be sure to carefully evaluate the factors mentioned above to make an informed decision that aligns with your educational and career goals. The landscape of nursing schools in Delta State offers a variety of options for prospective students, so take the time to research and find the best fit for your needs and aspirations.

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