
United States Navy Ranks 2024 | US Officer Ranks from Lowest to Highest

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There are so many ranks in the US Navy rank. For some people, what each rank means and the order in which they progress can be confusing. In this article, we look at a simple guide to the US Navy ranks.

Ranks in order seaman Recruit this is the first enlisted rank when entering the US Navy. In basic training, they will learn skills necessary for their employment within the Navy. Here they will obtain an occupation, field, or rate which will guide their career in a specific direction.

On their field and begin to study the specifics of that duty. Typically, promotion occurs after six months depending on job performance.

Their competency within a ship means they are allocated more responsibility, which will generally include Central maintenance.

Us navy rank

1. The Petty Officer Third Class rank

Regular duties, but this now turns into more of a leadership role. Here they can mentor young sailors.

2. Petty Officer Second Class rank

They are perceived to be leaders who need little supervision from their superiors. They will mentor junior sailors in order to help with professional development.

3. Petty Officer First Class rank

To be a high-grade rank. They have a leadership part in a division team that can consist of five to 50 sailors. They are able to delegate tasks and are made responsible for the safekeeping and maintenance of significant resources.

4. Chief Petty Officer rank

At this rank, they are considered to perform leadership duties at the ground level of the Navy. A Chief Petty Officer will work in conjunction with the division officer looking after personnel and equipment issues.

5. Senior Chief Petty Officer rank

A senior Chief commands with a higher level of technical and managerial expertise than those of previous ranks. They will generally have more influence within the Chiefs.

6. Master Chief Petty Officer rank

Also known as a Department Chief, the Master Chief holds high credentials in their expertise and has the most authority in large departments. They need to maintain unity, cooperation, and communication in the Chief’s mass.

7. Command Master Chief Petty Officer rank

This is a Senior Enlisted Advisor rank. They are the leading chief aboard ships or within shore-based units. Enlisted ranks and commanding officers. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy this rank is appointed by the Chief of Naval Operations and is considered the most.

8. Senior enlisted senior advisor rank

They essentially serve as a representative for all enlisted members and their families. They will meet with enlisted members to address any concerns and issues within the fleet.

9. Chief Warrant Officer rank

However, it was reinstated in 2018 to establish the new Cyber Warrant Officer position. A Warrant is the only way to receive this rank, and when this occurs, they commit to at least six years of service.

10. Chief Warrant Officer 2 rank

This is the first rank newly appointed to a Chief Warrant Officer they must have a minimum of twelve years of active duty experience and three years in a grade to be eligible. Once accepted, they attend an Officer Development School. Advancement is dependent on Vacancies and grades. Seniority or years of experience.11. Chief Warrant Officer 3 rank
Much the same as the previous rank of Chief Officer Two.

12. Chief Warrant Officer 4 rank

Much the same as the previous rank of Chief Officer three Chief Warrant Officer Five is Much the same as the previous warrant officer ranks. However, the highest rank is in that line.

13. Ensign rank

Ensign is the first commissioned officer rank. It is obtained once a candidate completes training through the United States Naval Academy. Or Officer Candidate School.

Most will attend schools to learn their jobs, but others learn within the fleet. Promotion can take anywhere from weeks up to two years, depending on the ability to lead. Lieutenant Junior Grade a junior grade is.

14. The second-lowest officer rank

They may be in training for their specialty and hold the rank for up to two years. Lieutenant Considered a third rank Officer they can serve as division officers. They have responsibilities that may cause them to assume charge of smaller ships.

15. Executive officer rank

They also serve this role within Seal teams. Commander at this rank, there is the potential to command a frigate, destroyer, fast attack submarine, smaller amphibious ship, shore installation, and a number of other duties.

16. Captains

They serve as commanding officers of major commands, for example, aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships, cruisers, destroyer squadrons, ballistic missile submarines, carrier air wings, and other duties.

17. Rear Admiral Lower half

The lower half holds one star and is the first. While at sea, they will command an amphibious group, carrier cruiser group, and carrier strike group. They also serve as deputies to larger commands.

18. Re Admiral Upper Half

An upper half holds two stars, They have very similar commands and responsibilities. As a lower half.

19. Vice Admiral

A vice Admiral holds three stars, they command fleets and might also act as deputies for regional commands. Admiral and Admiral will hold four stars. They are the most senior flag rank. They can serve as Commander of Regional commands, Joint Commands, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Chief of Naval Operations.

20. Fleet Admiral

Fleet Admiral is the only rank appointed during a time of war. The last officer to serve in this rank retired after World War II. Perhaps you or a family member has served or is serving in the Navy.


What are the officer ranks in the United States Navy from lowest to highest?

The officer ranks in the United States Navy from lowest to highest are as follows:

  1. Ensign (ENS)
  2. Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG)
  3. Lieutenant (LT)
  4. Lieutenant Commander (LCDR)
  5. Commander (CDR)
  6. Captain (CAPT)
  7. Rear Admiral Lower Half (RDML)
  8. Rear Admiral Upper Half (RADM)
  9. Vice Admiral (VADM)
  10. Admiral (ADM)
  11. Fleet Admiral (FADM) (This rank is reserved for wartime use and is not currently active)

What is the role of an Ensign in the United States Navy?

An Ensign (ENS) is the entry-level rank for commissioned officers in the United States Navy. Ensigns typically serve as division officers within a ship’s department, such as engineering or operations. They are responsible for leading a small group of enlisted sailors, managing daily operations, and receiving further training and mentorship to prepare them for higher responsibilities.

How does one progress from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy?

To progress from Lieutenant (LT) to Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) in the United States Navy, an officer must meet several criteria, including:

  1. Time in Service: Generally, an officer must have served a minimum of 9-11 years.
  2. Performance: Demonstrating exceptional performance in their duties and receiving favorable evaluations from superiors.
  3. Professional Development: Completing necessary professional military education and other training programs.
  4. Selection Board: Being selected by a promotion board that reviews the officer’s record and recommends promotion.

What distinguishes a Rear Admiral’s Lower Half from a Rear Admiral’s Upper Half?

The distinction between a Rear Admiral Lower Half (RDML) and a Rear Admiral Upper Half (RADM) in the United States Navy primarily lies in their rank and responsibilities:

  • Rear Admiral Lower Half (RDML): This is a one-star rank (O-7) and is the lowest flag officer rank. RDMLs typically command larger units or serve in high-level staff positions.
  • Rear Admiral Upper Half (RADM): This is a two-star rank (O-8) and is senior to RDML. RADMs have more extensive responsibilities, often commanding larger task forces, major installations, or serving in top-tier staff roles within the Navy or joint military commands.

Both ranks are flag officers, but the Rear Admiral Upper Half holds greater authority and commands larger units or more critical operational roles than the Rear Admiral Lower Half.

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