8 Essentials of Writing Good Fiction | Learn Good Writing Skills

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Fiction is a genre of literature that tells a story that is not based on real events. It can be in the form of a novel, a short story, or even a screenplay. The main aim of fiction is to entertain the readers and to take them on a journey into another world.

However, there are certain rules that you must follow in order to write good fiction. These rules will help to make your story more believable and enjoyable for the reader. So, if you want to write a fiction novel that will be a hit with readers, then make sure to follow the rules mentioned below.

1.      Keep it Simple

Whenever writing fiction, you should write from your heart. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in your writing. You cannot create a story that resonates with readers if you are not willing to share some part of yourself with them.

So, it is always recommended to keep the emotions simple by following the below-mentioned tips.

  1. Keep your story simple, clear, and direct.
  2. Write about what you know.
  3. Focus on the character’s thoughts and feelings, not their actions or dialogue.
  4. Create a strong opening sentence and paragraph to hook your reader in right away.

2.      Write What you Know

To write a good story, you have to know your characters well. You also need to know the setting, what they think, and how they will react to different situations.

You can’t make things up because readers can tell when you are just beating about the bush. In order to be believable, the story needs to be true to life so it seems like something that could happen in real life. It’s important to have a plot with twists and turns that keep readers guessing what is going to happen next.

The best way to ensure this approach is to proofread your book repeatedly and get the help of fiction book editors to get your work thoroughly edited before publishing.

3.      Make a Checklist of all Details

Before starting with writing your fiction book, make sure to create a complete checklist of all items and details you will want to include in your story. Some writers need a checklist of a mere one page while others may need a complete notebook of all writing essentials.

We are not saying that a checklist will guarantee you effective writing and will save you from bad aspects of writing, but it is a very useful approach when it comes to fiction writing. It will save you from regret after you have completed writing your book but haven’t described what motivated you to write in the first place.

4.      Develop a Daily Writing Routine

Writing needs consistency and attention and in order to write a better story, you will have to develop a daily writing routine. Time management is the most important thing when it comes to writing. Set aside to write your work in the early morning or late at night.

Most writers feel more creative in the morning while others are habitual of working the midnight hours. However, no matter what routine you opt for, make sure to stick to it till the completion of your work. A dedicated writing room will work best for you if you need to remain away from any outside distractions.

5.      Schedule Your Time Wisely

Time is of the essence when it comes to writing a good fiction book. If you have planned to work for 6 hours a day, make sure you follow this routine regularly. Good practice in ensuring time management is to make a mental plan of what you want to accomplish during a specific session.

If you plan to write 2000 words per day, make sure you write them in alternate settings. If you are a writer who is not comfortable with setting a word count target, you can just skip this approach. But no matter what approach you use, it is always a good idea to set daily targets.

It will help you complete your work in the minimum possible time and will also prevent you from wasting precious time that you could have wasted on other unnecessary things.

6.      Keep in Touch with the Editor

Editors are the most important part of your fiction writing and publishing process. You want your published work to be the best out there, so it is important to remain in touch with an experienced editor to help you out during the writing as well as the editing process.

However, it is very important who you choose to be your editor. A good editor will make you an even better writer but an inexperienced editor will be a bad influence on your writing. So, it is recommended to find an editor at the start of your writing process and build a connection with them to get help in the writing process.

7.      Try Out Different Writing Rules

The novel is a highly respected form of literature, so you might think you will have to be careful in selecting the grammar and writing rules. However, it might not be true in all cases. A successful novel must have well-developed characters, a compelling plot, and beautiful prose.

It can be easy to get overwhelmed when starting to write a novel but don’t worry. You can try out different techniques, writing styles, and voices and then stick with what will work best for you. Your own creative writing process will guide you to define your own rules and have your own brand voice.

8.      Start with Your Fictional Characters

Now that you have sorted out your writing process and are ready to start writing the story, it is important to know where to start. Readers don’t pick up books looking for a theme. That’s why you will have to go for character development from the very start of your story.

Choose a compelling plot and develop your characters in a healthy manner as the story develops. You will have to define the protagonist, their backstory, and any supporting characters who are included in your story structure.

By following these simple guidelines, you will be on your way to writing a great novel in no time. These guidelines will also help you make the editing process easier and less time-consuming.


What are the essential elements of good fiction writing?

Good fiction writing incorporates several essential elements, including compelling characters, a well-developed plot, vivid settings, authentic dialogue, strong narrative voice, effective pacing, thematic depth, and attention to detail. Mastering these elements can greatly enhance the quality of your fiction.

How can I develop believable characters in my fiction writing?

Developing believable characters involves giving them depth, complexity, and relatable qualities. Start by understanding your characters’ motivations, backgrounds, and personalities. Consider their strengths, weaknesses, and flaws. Additionally, allow your characters to evolve throughout the story based on their experiences and interactions with other characters.

What techniques can I use to improve the pacing of my fiction writing?

Pacing is crucial in fiction writing to maintain reader engagement and momentum. One technique is to vary the pace by alternating between action-packed scenes and slower, introspective moments. Use sentence structure, dialogue, and descriptive language to control the rhythm of your narrative. Additionally, pay attention to the placement of key plot points to ensure a smooth flow of events.

How do I create a vivid setting that enhances my fiction writing?

A vivid setting can transport readers into the world of your story and make it come alive. To create a vivid setting, utilize sensory details to describe sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes. Consider the historical, cultural, and geographical context of your setting, and incorporate descriptive language that appeals to the reader’s imagination. Show how the setting influences the characters and the events of the story.

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